Edició 2020-2021

Aquest curs no està disponible l'edició 2020 - 2021.

The course

Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

Alícia Foundation

18 January to 24 October

The nutrition course, part of the Crazy about Science programme run by Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, has been developed by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge in collaboration with the Alícia Foundation. The course is aimed at secondary school students interested in studying STEM degrees (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and was started to introduce students to the multidisciplinary field of nutrition and dietetics, where different disciplines come together to solve issues related to health. The main objective of the course is to encourage scientific vocations and support young people in Catalonia to further their knowledge and receive an excellent standard of education.


Registrations for the Nutrition Course as part of the Crazy about Science will be open from 16 September to 24 October, 2019. Out of the students who sign up, 25 secondary school students will be chosen to take part in the 2nd edition of the course as part of the 8th edition of the Crazy about Science programme, to be held during 2020.

Over 16 theoretical and practical sessions, students will become familiar with research into the main areas of dietetics and human nutrition in a hospital context, including malnutrition, myths and legends, the aetiology of obesity, eating disorders, psychological and neurophysiological assessment procedures, therapeutic alternatives and prevention, among other topics. In addition, students will be given the chance to take part in practical workshops on nutritional support, analysis of existing diets, patient testimonials, assessment tools, and experimenting with procedures based on new technologies, among other matters.

Course objectives

The course will cover the following areas:

  • Basic nutritional and dietary knowledge
  • Healthy eating habits and the Mediterranean diet
  • Diet therapy in special situations and hospital food
  • Obesity and eating disorders
  • Clinical, therapeutic and research aspects
  • Practical workshops and patient testimonials
Specific objectives

Academic studies

  • Encouraging young people to have scientific vocations linked to the world of dietetics and human nutrition, helping them plan towards their academic and professional future. 

  • Offering students the opportunity for their secondary school research project to receive tutoring from a leading research centre.


  • Bringing students closer to human nutrition and dietetics, considering specific conditions such as nutrition in patients with somatic symptom disorders, hospital malnutrition, obesity and eating disorders.
  • Understanding how research centres linked to nutrition, obesity and eating disorders are run.
  • Knowing how research is carried out in association with: CIBEROBN, the research network of excellence on the Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition; CIBERDEM, the research network for Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases; and ISCIII, Barcelona.
  • Gaining experience with the standard assessment tools used to research obesity and eating disorders (psychological and sensory instruments, EEG, neuropsychological tools and magnetic resonance imaging). Practising corrections and interpreting results.


Session 1. Introduction to Hospital de Bellvitge and the Crazy about Nutrition course

Date: Saturday, 18 January

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Carrer de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session coordinator: Dr. Encarna Grifell Martín

Session run by: Dr. Encarna Grifell Martín, Dr. Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Dr. Susana Jiménez-Murcia and Dr. Zaida Agüera

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Showing the clinical and academic activity and research carried out at the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. Presentation of the teaching programme. Explaining the tutoring for student research projects and providing information on how to present proposals.

Guided tour of the different units and services involved in the course to see how a third-level university hospital runs.

Session 2. Basic nutritional and dietary knowledge

Date: Saturday 1 February

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Calle de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Dr. Xavier Pintó

Session run by: Dr. Xavier Pintó, Ana Galera and Miquel Giménez, Lipidology and Cardiovascular Risk Unit of the HUB- Predimed Plus Team 

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Two dietitians from the hospital, part of the research team for the national multicentre study Predimed Plus, will give a presentation on basic nutritional knowledge, healthy eating habits and the importance of physical activity. They will also give an introduction to the Mediterranean diet and research on the Mediterranean diet (Predimed Plus study).

The theory session will be accompanied by practical exercises (self-assessment of eating habits and physical activity). The session will include patient testimonials from Predimed Plus discussing their personal experience as study participants.

Session 3. Healthy eating habits and the Mediterranean Diet

Date: Saturday 15 February

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Calle de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Dr. Xavier Pintó

Session run by: Dr. Xavier Pintó, Ana Galera and Miquel Giménez, Lipidology and Cardiovascular Risk Unit of the HUB- Predimed Plus Team 

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Two dietitians from the hospital, part of the research team for the national multicentre study Predimed Plus, will give a presentation on basic nutritional knowledge, healthy eating habits and the importance of physical activity. They will also give an introduction to the Mediterranean diet and research on the Mediterranean diet (Predimed Plus study).

The theory session will be accompanied by practical exercises (self-assessment of eating habits and physical activity). The session will include patient testimonials from Predimed Plus discussing their personal experience as study participants.

Session 4. How to lead a healthy diet From planning to the plate

Date: Saturday, 29 February

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Location: Fundació Alícia - Camí Sant Benet, 08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Alba Adot

Session run by: Noemí Igual and Valeria Sgrignuoli

Language: Catalan, Spanish and English

  • Theory session and demonstration:

Dietary and nutritional recommendations, offered by a nutritionist and dietitian from the Alícia Foundation, on how to ensure you have a good, healthy and sustainable diet. The theory will be accompanied by a culinary demonstration by a chef from the foundation, so students can see easy, fast and healthy recipes for the general population.

  • Practical session:

Design and culinary preparation of a full menu, adapting it to the general recommendations for a balanced diet explained in the theory session. The practical side will be carried out in groups with the results presented to the experts from the Alícia Foundation and classmates on the Crazy about Nutrition course.

Session 7. Dietary and culinary responses to allergies, intolerances and veggies.

Date: 25 April

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Fundació Alícia - Camí Sant Benet, 08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Alba Adot

Session run by: Sara Pareja and David Gi

Language: Catalan, Spanish and English

  • Theory session and demonstration:

Dietary and nutritional recommendations offered by a nutritionist and dietitian from the Alícia Foundation, covering each of the pathologies to be worked on, accompanied by a culinary demonstration given by a chef from the foundation, where students can see recipes that have been specially designed for each situation.

  • Practical session:

Design and culinary preparation of a menu, adapting it to the needs of the individual given as an example in the practical session. The practical side will be carried out in groups with the results presented to the experts from the Alícia Foundation and classmates on the Crazy about Nutrition course.

Session 9. Dietary and culinary responses for the treatment of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Date: 23 May

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Fundació Alícia - Camí Sant Benet, 08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Alba Adot

Session run by: Alba Adot and Vinicius Martini

Language: Catalan, Spanish and English

  • Theory session and demonstration:

Dietary and nutritional recommendations offered by a nutritionist and dietitian from the Alícia Foundation, covering each of the pathologies to be worked on, accompanied by a culinary demonstration given by a chef from the foundation, where students can see recipes that have been specially designed for each illness.

  • Practical session:

Design and culinary preparation of a menu, adapting it to the needs of the individual given as an example in the practical session. The practical side will be carried out in groups with the results presented to the experts from the Alícia Foundation and classmates on the Crazy about Nutrition course.

Session 10. Hospital food: Texture modified diets

Date: Saturday, 6 June

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Fundació Alícia - Camí Sant Benet, 08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona

Session Coordinator: Alba Adot

Session run by: Fabiola Juárez and Ana Lobato

Language: Catalan, Spanish and English

  • Theory session and demonstration:

Introduction to general aspects of current hospital food and, more specifically, the approach to texture modified diets in these centres. Explanation accompanied by a culinary demonstration specially adapted to the established recommendations. This section of the course will be given by a dietitian/nutritionist and a chef from the Alícia Foundation.

  • Practical session:

Design and culinary preparation of a menu, adapting it to the needs of the individual given as an example in the practical session. The practical side will be carried out in groups with the results presented to the experts from the Alícia Foundation and classmates on the Crazy about Nutrition course.

Sessió 8 - Trastorns de la Conducta Alimentària

Dia: Dissabte 17 d'octubre

Horari: 10h a 12h

Lloc: Sessió online

Coordinació de la sessió: Teresa Moreno i María Lozano

Sessió a càrrec de: Teresa Moreno i María Lozano

Sessió 9 - Intervencions i tractaments habituals i basats en les noves tecnologies

Dia: Dissabte 31 d'octubre

Horari: 10h a 12h

Lloc: Sessió online

Coordinació de la sessió: Cristina Vintró i Zaida Agüera

Sessió a càrrec de: Cristina Vintró i Zaida Agüera

Sessió 10 - Prevenció en els Trastorns de la Conducta Alimentària

Dia: Dissabte 7 de novembre

Horari: 10h a 12h

Lloc: Sessió online

Coordinació de la sessió: Lucero Munguía i Isabel Sánchez Díaz

Sessió a càrrec de: Lucero Munguía i Isabel Sánchez Díaz

Sessió 11 - Cervell i situacions extremes de pes

Dia: Dissabte 14 de novembre

Horari: 10h a 12h

Lloc: Sessió online

Coordinació de la sessió: Romina Miranda i Giulia Testa

Sessió a càrrec de: Romina Miranda i Giulia Testa

Sessió 12 - Actualització en la recerca sobre Obesitat i Nutrició

Dia: Dissabte 21 de novembre

Horari: 10h a 12h

Lloc: Sessió online

Coordinació de la sessió: Isabel Baenas i Ignacio Lucas

Sessió a càrrec de: Isabel Baenas i Ignacio Lucas

Session 6. Diet therapy in special situations. Examples with clinical cases

Date: Saturday, 28  March

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Carrer de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session coordinator: Dr. Nuria Vilarrasa, Monica Montserrat Gil de Bernabe

Session run by: Dr. Nuria Virgili Casas, Dr. Rafael López Urdiales, Carolina Alves Tafur, Rosa Monseny Belda; Anna Prats Fulla, Inma Jimenez Garcia, Elisabet Romero

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Professional teams from Dietetics and Nutrition  at the hospital’s endocrinology department will give a talk on nutrition myths and legends, diet therapy in special situations and different diseases and malnutrition in hospital: detection, evaluation and interpretation through different procedures. They will also discuss the aetiology of obesity, as well as dietary, nutritional, psychological, pharmacological and surgical treatments.

The theoretical session will also include an illustration of clinical cases and workshops, and will cover how to interpret nutritional labelling or measure body composition, among other aspects.

Session 5. Nutrition myths and legends Nutrition labelling.

Date: Saturday, 14  March

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Carrer de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session coordinator: Dr. Nuria Vilarrasa, Monica Montserrat Gil de Bernabe

Session run by: Dr. Nuria Virgili Casas, Dr. Rafael López Urdiales, Carolina Alves Tafur, Rosa Monseny Belda; Anna Prats Fulla, Inma Jimenez Garcia, Elisabet Romero

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Professional teams from Dietetics and Nutrition  at the hospital’s endocrinology department will give a talk on nutrition myths and legends, diet therapy in special situations and different diseases and malnutrition in hospital: detection, evaluation and interpretation through different procedures. They will also discuss the aetiology of obesity, as well as dietary, nutritional, psychological, pharmacological and surgical treatments.

The theoretical session will also include an illustration of clinical cases and workshops, and will cover how to interpret nutritional labelling or measure body composition, among other aspects.

Session 8. Hospital malnutrition - The aetiology of obesity

Date: Saturday, 9  May

Time: 10 am to 2 pm

Place: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge - Carrer de la Feixa Llarga, s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Session coordinator: Dr. Nuria Vilarrasa, Monica Montserrat Gil de Bernabe

Session run by: Dr. Nuria Virgili Casas, Dr. Rafael López Urdiales, Carolina Alves Tafur, Rosa Monseny Belda; Anna Prats Fulla, Inma Jimenez Garcia, Elisabet Romero

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Professional teams from Dietetics and Nutrition  at the hospital’s endocrinology department will give a talk on nutrition myths and legends, diet therapy in special situations and different diseases and malnutrition in hospital: detection, evaluation and interpretation through different procedures. They will also discuss the aetiology of obesity, as well as dietary, nutritional, psychological, pharmacological and surgical treatments.

The theoretical session will also include an illustration of clinical cases and workshops, and will cover how to interpret nutritional labelling or measure body composition, among other aspects.

Saturday, 18 January from 10 am to 2 pm
Introduction to Hospital de Bellvitge
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Saturday, 1 February from 10 am to 2 pm
Basic nutritional and dietary knowledge
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Saturday, 15 February from 10 am to 2 pm
Healthy eating habits and the Mediterranean diet
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Dissabte 29 de febrer
Fundació Alícia - Camí Sant Benet, Sant Fruitós de Bages
Com dur a terme una alimentació saludable - De la planificació al plat
Sessió teòrico-pràctica. De 10h a 14h
Dimarts 12 de maig
Sessió online
Respostes dietètico-culinàries en al·lèrgies, intoleràncies i veggies
Sessió online de Fundació Alícia. De 15h a 16h
Divendres 29 de maig
Sessió online
Respostes dietètico-culinàries per al tractament de l’obesitat, les malalties cardiovasculars i diabetis
Sessió online de Fundació Alícia
Divendres 5 de juny
Sessió online
Alimentació hospitalària: Dietes amb textura modificada
Sessió online de Fundació Alícia
Dissabte 17 d'octubre
Sessió online
Trastorns de la Conducta Alimentària
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. De 10h a 12h
Dissabte 31 d'octubre
Sessió online
Intervencions i tractaments habituals i basats en les noves tecnologies
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. De 10h a 12h
Dissabte 7 de novembre
Sessió online
Prevenció en els Trastorns de la Conducta Alimentària
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. De 10h a 12h
Dissabte 14 de novembre
Sessió online
Cervell i situacions extremes de pes
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. De 10h a 12h
Dissabte 21 de novembre
Sessió online
Actualització en la recerca sobre Obesitat i Nutrició
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. De 10h a 12h
Sessió online penjada al Drive
Dietoteràpia en situacions especials - Casos Clínics
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Sessió online penjada al Drive
Mites i llegendes en nutrició. Etiquetatge nutricional
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Sessió online penjada al Drive
Desnutrició hospitalària - Etiologia de l’obesitat
Sessió online de l'Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge