Mad for science
A programme that encourages science and tech vocations linked to the world of research, aimed at secondary school students through theory and practical sessions given by researchers from leading research centres across Catalonia.
Candidate profile
- 1st year baccalaureate students who chose the science and/or technology option during the 2019-2020 academic year.
- In the case of the Earth Sciences course, 1st year baccalaureate students can take part regardless of which type of baccalaureate they have chosen.
- For the economics course, 1st and 2nd year baccalaureate students can take part regardless of which type of baccalaureate they have chosen.
- Students must be enrolled in a secondary school in Catalonia, whether public, private or semi-private.
- Students must have a good academic record, which must be accompanied by an enthusiasm, interest and curiosity for science, especially in the field of research for the chosen course.
- Good level of written and spoken English. In some of the Crazy about Science courses, some of the sessions will be in English.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Enthusiasm to take part and commitment to taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the programme.
- Not to be enrolled on another Crazy about Science course during the same period, nor to have been a participant on the Youth and Science or Nature Campus programmes.
Registration process
- The entire registration process is online, through the programme's website. The programme will not accept documents sent by post or via email.
- In the permission form for the parent or legal guardian, each student can select up to a maximum of 3 Crazy about Science courses for science, in order of preference, that they want to be considered for during the selection process. For example: 1st choice) Earth Sciences, 2nd choice) Nutrition, and 3rd choice) Bioengineering. It is not mandatory to fill in all three course options, for example, if a student is only interested in the Economics course, then he or she can apply for Economics only.
- Each education centre will be able to put forward a maximum of 3 students in the first option for each Crazy about Science course. For example, an education centre may have 3 (different) students enrolled in the first option in each of the 12 courses on the programme; a total of 36 students enrolled. This means that each course will receive a maximum of 3 candidates in the first option, per school, and as many second and third option candidates as students have included on their preferences (there is no limit).
- If more than 3 applications are received from a school (first option) for the same Crazy about Science course, all the candidates for the school for that course will be automatically deleted.
- Be careful! If your school has four or more baccalaureate options, please contact us.
- In order to be considered as a candidate, the following is essential:
- Online submission of the permission form with the details of the student's legal parent or guardian.
- Online submission of the registration form to be filled out by the candidate.
- Online confidential recommendation from the student's teacher for science, mathematics, technology, computer science and economics.
- Online confidential recommendation from the student's tutor, head of studies or school headteacher.
Nominations that do not provide all the online documentation requested will be excluded from the selection process.
Submitting the application form does not guarantee direct admission to the Crazy about Science programme. All applications submitted will be part of the selection process.
Selection process
All of the applications will be assessed individually. In order to make the selection, the panel will assess the information and documentation provided by each candidate, which includes:
- Student responses to the questions on the registration form, which includes the letter of motivation.
- Confidential recommendations from the school: from a teacher in the area of science, mathematics, technology, computer science or economics; and that of the tutor, head of studies or headteacher.
- Academic record.
- Level of English.
- Motivation and enthusiasm to take part in scientific research experiences.
Candidates who pass the first selection stage will be shortlisted and will proceed to the personal interview phase, which will take place until 21 November 2019.
The final selection will be announced from 25 November 2019.
The total number of students chosen from all the applications is specific to each course on the Crazy about Science programme.
All communication will be via email.
The decision of the selection panel is final.
Programme fee
Once chosen for the programme, each student will pay the following registration fee to confirm their place:
- 140 euros, to take part in the Economics course on the Crazy about Science programme.
- 330 euros, to take part in the following Crazy about Science courses: Biomedicine, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Physics, Supercomputing, Mathematics, New technologies and Earth Sciences.
Payment must be made by 8th December 2020, after the applicants have been selected. Candidates who do not make the payment within the established deadline will be excluded from the programme.
The Crazy about Science programme bases the selection process on the candidates abilities. The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation is committed to giving young people opportunities, and will not reject any student from the program for financial reasons. For this reason, it may accept candidate applications with documents that justify not being able to pay the application fee. Contact us at to apply for a scholarship once your application has been selected.
The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) collaborates with the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera by awarding scholarships for students participating in the Crazy for Science program, 2020-2021.
Causes de força major
Per força major s’entén qualsevol situació o esdeveniment imprevisible, inevitable i irresistible aliè a la voluntat de les parts (p.e. guerra, revolució, accions terroristes, tancament de fronteres, epidèmies, catàstrofes naturals, etc.). Si La Fundació Catalunya la Pedrera es troba davant d’una situació de força major que afecti al desenvolupament i continuïtat del programa Bojos per la ciència o d’algun dels cursos del Programa, ho notificarà de manera immediata a tots els alumnes i al centre educatiu corresponent, especificant la naturalesa, els efectes, la duració de la situació, si és possible i, les mesures que prendrà per fer front a la situació de força major.
Submitting your candidacy means accepting these requirements. Any other issues will be resolved by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation.