REMS Programme
Innovative programme targeted at individuals with mild or moderate cognitive deterioration (Alzheimer or other forms of dementia) and their families. We offer them tools and strategies so they can remain autonomous and improve their well-being.
REMS at home goals
We know the importance of following routines and good habits in everyday life for people with cognitive impairment. The project will allow to maintain as much as possible the cognitive, physical and creative capacities of the people; prioritizing their emotional well-being and autonomy. And also that of his caring relatives.
Although the service was born due to the current context, it will have continuity when we reopen the Social spaces in periods of convalescence, holidays, mobility difficulties or transport difficulties.
Dissenyem sessions en línia a través de videotrucades (WhatsApp o Jitsi Meet) per promoure una intervenció integral des de casa.
Apropem el servei REMS a domicili amb l’objectiu de mantenir o millorar el seu benestar, la qualitat de vida i l’autonomia.