Nature Campus
Programme targeted at baccalaureate students with a particular interest in the field of biodiversity and nature conservation with the goal of encouraging youths’ scientific vocations in this field of research.
Candidate profile
- Students in their 1st year of baccalaureate in the science and/or technology track during academic year 2019-2020.
- Studying at a secondary school in Catalonia, either public, private or publicly-subsidised private schools.
- Strong academic record, which must come with motivation, interest and a curiosity in science and especially in the field of biodiversity and nature conservation.
- Good level of oral and written English.
- Sound interpersonal and communication skills.
- Excitement to participate and commitment to make the most of the opportunities provided by the programme.
Registration process
- The entire registration process takes place online via the programme website. No documents sent by post or email will be accepted.
- Each school may submit a maximum of three students. If more than three candidates are received from the same school, all the school's candidates will automatically be eliminated.
- Please note! Please contact us if your school has four or more baccalaureate tracks.
- The following are needed for candidates to be considered:
- Online submission of the authorisation form with the information on the student's parent or legal guardian.
- Online submission of the registration form filled out by the candidate.
- The online confidential recommendation of the student's science, maths or technology teacher.
- The online confidential recommendation of the student’s tutor, head of studies or school director.
- Candidates who do not submit all the documents requested during the established period online will be excluded from the selection process.
- Submission of the application form does not guarantee direct admission into the Nature Campus programme. All the candidacies submitted will be part of a selection process.
Selection process
- All the candidacies received will be individually evaluated. The information and documentation provided by each candidate will be evaluated in the selection process, including:
- The student’s answers to the questions on the registration form, including the letter of interest.
- Confidential recommendations from the school: a teacher in the field of science, maths or technology; and the tutor, head of studies or school director.
- Academic record.
- English level.
- Motivation and a desire to participate in scientific experiences in the field of biodiversity and nature conservation.
- The candidates will be chosen by an internal selection jury from the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation once the registration period is closed.
- During the selection process, Skype interviews may be held with some candidates to determine their case.
- Notification of the final selection will be sent after 18 June 2019.
- Out of all the candidates, a total of 30 students will be chosen to participate in the Nature Campus programme.
- All communication shall take place via email.
- The jury’s selection decision may not be appealed.
Price of the programme
- The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation organises and finances the Nature Campus programme.
- Once chosen for the programme, each student must pay €270 as a contribution apart from the cost of the Nature Campus programme via the website.
- Participation in the Nature Campus programme includes:
- Transport to and from La Pedrera (Casa Milà) and all the natural spaces where the different sessions are held.
- Accommodation and meals for the weekend sessions at MónNatura Delta de l'Ebre, MónNatura Pirineus and Alinyà Mountain*.
- Students’ training by professionals from different natural fields participating in the programme.
- Accident and liability insurance.
- Teaching materials.
*Breakfast and lunch on Saturday not included in the weekend sessions at MónNatura Delta de l'Ebre and Alinyà Mountain.
The payment must be received by 27 June 2019, once the candidates have been chosen. Candidates who do not make the payment by this deadline will be excluded from the programme.
- The Nature Campus Programme bases the selection process on the qualities of the candidates. The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation is committed to giving youths opportunities and not letting any student chosen miss the programme for monetary reasons; therefore, we can study the possibility of awarding scholarships to candidates who can provide documentation proving that they cannot afford the registration cost. To request a scholarship, please contact us once you have been chosen as a candidate.
Application to the programme entails acceptance of these conditions. Any aspect not explicitly outlined shall be determined by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation.
Causes de força major
Per força major s’entén qualsevol situació o esdeveniment imprevisible, inevitable i irresistible aliè a la voluntat de les parts (p.e. guerra, revolució, accions terroristes, tancament de fronteres, epidèmies, catàstrofes naturals, etc.). Si La Fundació Catalunya la Pedrera es troba davant d’una situació de força major que afecti al desenvolupament i continuïtat del programa Campus Natura, ho notificarà de manera immediata a tots els alumnes i al centre educatiu corresponent, especificant la naturalesa, els efectes, la duració de la situació, si és possible i, les mesures que prendrà per fer front a la situació de força major.
La presentació a la convocatòria suposa l’acceptació d’aquestes bases. Qualsevol aspecte que no hi sigui previst serà resolt per la Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera.