Sessions 2021

SSESSION 1: Welcome to Clinic Campus and presentation of Young for Medicine

Day: Saturday 6th  of February

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr.Joan Escarrabill

Language: Catalan

At this first introductory session will make a brief presentation of the distinct sessions of the program “Young for Medicine”.

Also, we will explain the System of Health in Catalonia, and *HOW and WHAT makes at the Clinic Hospital: at the field of the assistance at the patients but also at enquiry and at the teaching

SESSION 2: The Primary Care Team and the Family Physician: the gateway to the healthcare system

Day: Friday 12th of February

Schedule: 4 at 5:30 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr. Antoni Sisó Almirall and Squad of Primary Attention of Les Corts

 Language: Catalan

At this session they will explain the basic concepts of the Sanitary Attention at the persons, the *paper of the Primary Care Team, the professionals that conform it and the central paper of the Family Physician: the Family Physician like the most important specialist of the medical and sanitary attention at the people.

SESSION 3: The heart and the cardiovascular diseases

Day: Saturday 20th of February

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra. Sitges, Dra Margarida Pujol ; Dra Laia Tirapu ; Dr Juan José Rodríguez Arias ; Dr Eduardo Josué Flores Umanzor

 Language: Catalan and Spanish

How it is the heart and the circulatory system? At this session will study the anatomical bases, factors of cardiovascular risk, cardiopathy *ischemic heart disease: angina and infarct, cardiac insufficiency, arrhythmias: *bradi and * tachycardias; and cardiopulmonary reanimation

SESSION 4: What is diabetis? Can we cure it?

Day: Saturday 20th of February

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. at 1:30 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra Marga Giménez / Dr. A Jesús Blanco/ DUI Montse Granados

Language: Catalan

The session will feature of a theoretic part where will present  the bases *physiopathology of the diabetes and the principal lines of enquiry (1h) and one second part, where the students will meet how is to make enquiry at diabetes at our center and will learn like studying the principal complications of the diabetes (echography *carotidal, retinography, *cribbage of *polyneuropathic...) and the bedrocks of the therapeutic nurture (diet, *insulin therapy, tech...).

SESSIÓ 5: Culinary Medicine

Day: Saturday 27th of February

Schedule: 9:30 at 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 at 2:30 p.m.

Place: Alicia Foundation – Mon Sant Benet

Session at charge of: Alba Adot (dietitian-nutritionist) i Vinicius Martini (biologist and cook)

Language: Catalan and Spanish

"Culinary medicine" is a trending term today. It is based on the training of doctors themselves to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that later they can set an example and have greater confidence in themselves when giving answers, advice and recommendations for cooking, food and nutrition. According to scientific evidence, the health habits of healthcare personnel predict best practices for advising their patients on nutrition.

In this session an explanatory introduction will be made on this new branch of medicine. A dynamic activity will be carried out to resolve clinical cases to put this methodology into practice and each case will be solved through a culinary demonstration by the Alícia Foundation team.



SESSION 6: The eye under examination: ophthalmology and eye diseases

Day: Saturday 6th of March

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra Anna Camós i Dra Noelia Sabater

Language: Spanish

At this session will treat the basic concepts of ophthalmology and the pathologies that affect in the vision

SESSION 7: Cancer

Day: Saturday 6th of March

Schedule: 11:30 a.m. at 13 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra. Núria Chic i Dra. Fara Brasó

Language: Catalan

During the day we will try to transmit and explain what basic and translational research in cancer consists of.

We will focus on the identification and validation of a therapeutic target (the HER2 protein) for breast cancer from its identification in tumors, its validation in the laboratory and finally in the clinic.

SESSION 8: Drink or living. When alcohol affects your health

Day: Saturday 20th of March

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr Hugo López/ Dra Elsa Caballeria / Dra Clara Oliveras

Language: Catalan

The session consists of different parts:

-Theoretical presentation: (Alcohol and society, Alcohol and neurobiology, Current treatments, Research lines of our Unit): 1h

- How patients experience their illness: 30 minutes.

- Alcoholism and cinema: what we can learn: 30 minutes.

 -Demonstration video about a research project: 30 minutes

SESSION 9: Liver diseases, a look at the liver

Day: Saturday 20th of March

Schedule: 11 a.m. at 13:30 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra Isabel Graupera i Dra Mar Coll

Language: Catalan

Cirrhosis of the liver is the final stage of all chronic liver disease. Whatever the etiology of liver damage, metabolic, viral or alcohol, when it is chronic, repair mechanisms are activated that are ultimately ineffective. Chronic damage causes cell destruction, recruitment of inflammatory cells to the liver, and activation of collagen-synthesizing stellate cells to try to repair the damage. Chronic activation of stellate cells causes collagen to deposit in the liver and alter its normal architecture, leading to cirrhosis of the liver. Patients with cirrhosis are asymptomatic until the disease progresses and present decompensations either secondary to portal hypertension of the liver or because the liver ceases to perform its functions of synthesis and purification.

The seminar will focus on the mechanisms of liver damage and fibrosis and how we can investigate, diagnose, and treat it. We will start with a specific clinical case of a patient referred by a general doctor on suspicion of chronic liver disease. We will evaluate the diagnostic process from the clinical history, physical examination, analytical and specific tools to study liver diseases such as ultrasound, transitional elastography and liver hemodynamics with liver biopsy. We will visit the liver hemodynamics room and do transition elastography. In a second part, we will analyze what information we can extract from the patient's liver biopsy in the laboratory, making a histopathological analysis in the laboratory. We will focus on liver fibrosis and study the cellular interactions that cause it, and which molecular pathways are involved.

SESSION 10: Melanoma and skin cancer: from diagnosis to treatment

Day: Saturday 10th of April

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra Susana Puig, Dra Alicia Barreiro; Dra Miriam Potrony

Language: Catalan

Skin cancer is the most common in humans. It is a type of cancer that is related to the type of skin but also to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, mainly from the skin. There are many genetic and immunological mechanisms involved in its origin, progression, and treatment. There are several non-invasive techniques that help us in the diagnosis and molecular techniques have been implemented in the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of the disease. This session will show the importance of all of them in the personalized medicine of skin cancer patients.

SESSION 11: Neurons and Brain: How neurons in our brain work to perceive and memorize our environament

Day: Saturday 10th of April

Schedule: 11 a.m. at 13:30 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr. Jaime de la Rocha, Dr. Albet Compte, Dr. Daniel Duque, Dra. Balma Serrano, Dr.Lluís Hernández, Dra. Tiffany Oña, Dra. Alba Morató, Dr. David Sánchez Bestué.

Language: Catalan, Spanish and English

The session will be divided into 3 activities:

1. The activity of neurons and neural prostheses. It will briefly explain how neurons communicate with each other and how they are able to move our body. The concept of neural prosthesis will be introduced, i.e. a device that acts as an interface between our neurons and some electronic device, there will be a demonstration in which some volunteers will try to operate a robotic arm.

2. The neural code. This part will explain how we record neural activity in the lab and how we use math and computers to decode the information transmitted by neurons. To understand these concepts, we will play a game in which everyone present faces different patterns of neural activity and must learn to decode it.

3. Working memory. This section will explain the difference between long-term memory and working memory. It will explain how we do in the lab to train animals in memory tasks and how we think neurons do to store these memories. Finally, we will do a demonstration with one of these tasks to measure the capacity of our working memory.




SESSION 12: Alzheimer and neuro-degenerative diseases

Day: Saturday 17th of April

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dra Raquel Sánchez del Valle, Dra Ana Antonell, Dr Óscar Ramos

Language: Catalan and Spanish

Session where it will be explained what neurodegenerative diseases consist of, delving into Alzheimer's disease, pathology, and diagnosis.

It will be discussed what studies are being carried out to find new treatments.



SESSION 13: Advances in Medical diagnostics: The image revolution

Day: Saturday 17th of April

Schedule: 11 a.m. at 13:30 p.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr Antonio Lopez

Language: Catalan

The different modalities of Diagnostic Imaging will be presented: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CT, Ultrasound, Interventional Radiology including a visit to the facilities.

SESSION 14: Smells and allergies

Day: Saturday 24th of April

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Dr. Joaquim Mullol, Dr. Joan Bartra i Dr. I.Alobid.

Language: Catalan

Allergic diseases affect one in 3 people, both children and adults. There are different types of allergies: to air allergens (mites, pollens, animals, occupational), to foods or drugs that manifest in different organs such as the nose (rhinitis), the eyes (conjunctivitis), the lung (asthma), the skin (dermatitis) or the digestive tract.

The total or partial loss of smell affects one in 5 people, being more intense and frequent in men and the elderly. Among the main causes are viral infections, sinonasal inflammation (rhinitis, rhinosinusitis) and acute brain trauma (accidents).

SESSION 15: Nurses and challenges of health of the 21st century

Day: Saturday 8th of May

Schedule: 9 at 11 a.m.

Place: Zoom Meeting

Session at charge of: Sr. Pedro Sanz

Language: Catalan and Spansih

There are 22 million nurses and 2 million midwives in the world, who make up half of the global health workforce, providing vital health care everywhere. The world is facing a global shortage of nurses, it is estimated that the deficit will rise to 9 million in the next 10 years. In this session we will learn about the health care that nurses provide for current health problems and we will see firsthand some of the services they lead.

SESSION 16: Experiences

Day: Saturday 22nd  of May

Schedule: 10 at 12 a.m.

Place: La Pedrera