Cristina Fallarás wins the third edition of the María Luz Morales Journalism Award
La Pedrera hosts the awards ceremony of the 3rd edition of the María Luz Morales Journalism Award.
In this new edition, it was awarded to the journalist Cristina Fallarás and the runner-up was the Italian journalist Emanuela Zuccalà. The award is sponsored by the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation and the Cultural Gender Observatory in conjunction with the newspaper ARA, and its goal is to award journalism pieces that discuss women's empowerment and feminism.
The following were on the jury in this edition: Marga Viza (director of Culture at the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation); Esther Vera (editor-in-chief of the newspaper ARA); Mavi Carrasco (president of the ADPC, Association of Female Journalists of Catalonia); the sociologist Marina Subirats; the journalists Ariadna Oltra (TV3) and Lluís Reales (BTV); and the writer Maria Àngels Cabré (director of the Cultural Gender Observatory).
María Luz Morales Award
The María Luz Morales Award pays tribute to the writer and cultural journalist of the same name, who was born in 1889 and died in 1980. Morales, who was originally from Galicia but lived in Barcelona since her childhood, began her long career before the Republic, cultivated genres like film criticism and became the first editor-in-chief of a nationwide newspaper in Spain, namely La Vanguardia during the Civil War. During the Franco Regime, she kept up her prolific output, both literary and journalistic, and as a prestigious theatre critic she was given the National Theatre Award. She has been considered the “grand dame of the press”.
Her work has recently been revived with the publication of her memoirs pf the 1930s entitled “Alguien a quien conocí” (Someone I Knew) (Editorial Renacimiento).
List of winners
In this 2019 edition of the María Luz Morales Journalism Award:
- The journalist CRISTINA FALLARÀS (winner)
With the article “Femenino funeral: el lamentable recuento de las mujeres asesinadas durante 2017” (Female funeral: The unfortunate tally of women murdered in 2017), published in the digital newspaper Público and read at the Congress of Deputies in February 2018 by representatives from Unidos Podemos-En Comú Podem-En Marea.
- The Italian journalist EMANUELA ZUCCALÀ (runner-up)
With the multimedia report “Crossing de River. Mujeres africanas en lucha contra la mortalidad materna” (Crossing the River: African women in the struggle against maternal mortality) published in the Planeta Futuro blog of the newspaper El País.
- The winners in the two previous editions were: Patrícia Soley-Beltran and Marina Subirats.